Coronavirus or Covid-19 is making big news at the moment. It seems to be a good time to revisit some points on sanitation and hygiene for makeup artists and other beauty professionals. Every professional should be following these guidelines at all times, not just when there is a global epidemic such as this.

Qualified MUAs are taught about proper sanitation and hygiene as part of their accredited course. Sadly, not all makeup courses are officially accredited by an educational awarding body, so may or may not cover these areas. Also, if an artist is self-taught, they may not know key hygiene practices.

Is it possible for a makeup artist to harm your health? The answer, unfortunately, is yes. I have heard some horror stories about not so hygienic practices within my industry. Dirty brushes, gloss/mascara used straight from the wand and even the recycling of false lashes! Cold sores and conjunctivitis are seriously not pretty, and possibly catching a nasty virus is definitely not cute!

A qualified and professional makeup artist will have been properly trained in how to keep makeup application clean and safe. They will be conscientious of these best practices at all times.

Liverpool Makeup Artist - Wedding Makeup Artist - Vegan Beauty - Glamorama Makeup Liverpool

Key hygiene practices:

  1. Washing their hands and/or using a hand sanitizer prior to touching your face and in between clients.
  2. Using disposable applicators to apply mascara and lipgloss.
  3. Brushes that are visibly clean and smell clean too!
  4. Cleaning brushes between clients, or using clean brushes on the next client.
  5. Products and packaging that look clean.
  6. Sharpening pencils before each use.
  7. False lashes that are fresh out of the box and do not have any questionable sticky residue.
  8. Cleaning their kits regularly and using a sanitising spray on palettes.
  9. Using spatulas and mixing palettes to decant cream and liquid products. Not using directly from containers or using the backs of their hands.
  10. Keeping nails short and clean and hair tied back.

If you are in doubt, do not let the artist use anything on your face that you suspect may not be clean! Why would you pay someone to potentially give you an infection? I clean my makeup kit with 70% isopropyl alcohol which kills bacteria and sanitizes.

It is not worth it to be at risk for any number of infections. A qualified and experienced MUA will have been properly trained in the importance of keeping a clean and hygienic kit. They will also know how to spot any contraindications to make-up application. I keep various disposable applicators and brushes on hand just in case. There have been times when I have had a bridesmaid with conjunctivitis or a cold sore on the wedding day! It is such an important day, I would not be able to refuse application. With the use of disposables and careful hygiene practices, I was able to provide make-up for these clients.

Updated 25.06.2020: I have new booking terms and conditions, please take a look before you book.

I hope that this article has been informative and helpful when choosing a wedding make-up artist in Liverpool. If you have any questions, please comment below or contact me!

Liverpool Makeup Artist - Wedding Makeup Artist - Vegan Beauty - Glamorama Makeup Liverpool
Liverpool Makeup Artist - Wedding Makeup Artist - Vegan Beauty - Glamorama Makeup Liverpool